Ticket details

With the helmet on and the light that breaks the darkness of the underground you will look like a true speleologist. The Speleo Light path allows you to live an unforgettable experience: a full immersion with an expert guide that will lead you to discover the most evocative places of the Galleria Borbonica.
What to expect
As a real speleologist, you will be provided with your caving helmet with headlamp and explore the tunnels of the ancient underground acqueduct system of Naples, up to reach astonishing water tanks of the 15th century still full of water and decorated with mysterious symbols.
The tour is a long walk through the narrow tunnels of the acqueduct system of 'Bolla', which will take you to some water tanks of the 15th century full of religious symbols carved by the upkeepers of the ancient underground water network.
Sometimes the tour guides will change the route, showing to the visitors the rooms found by the many volunteers cleaning up new caves: new perspectives, new artefacts are waiting for you... you will end up dusty, but happy!
Galleria Borbonica
okTicket: we offer emotions
We sell tickets, sure. But in reality we offer sensations, joy, cultural interactions, the pleasures of life.
okTicket in fact puts inside your tickets all the passion for art, for the cities to visit, for the taste of discovery. Food for the soul (and not only). Because a museum, like an archaeological or scientific site, is full of stories.
okTicket works every day to facilitate access for all people to the treasures that Italy preserves in every corner. Beauty and to put in your smartphone, with a simple click: the ticket that opens the doors of a wonderful heritage.

you always have these benefits included
How to reach the property
Galleria Borbonica - Speleo Light
Via Domenico Morelli, 61 c/o Parcheggio Morelli - 80121 Napoli
Pinch and drag for more details
The opening hours of the structure
Online ticket office contacts
Structure contacts